Grow Tunnels

  Wilson’s Spanish style high grow tunnels provide protection to grower’s crops,
while creating a better growing environment.

  • Protect crops from adverse weather conditions such as frost, rain, wind and cold
  • Help bring crops to market earlier
  • Increase production and quality of fruit and vegetables
  • Widths range from 15' to 30'

Grow Tunnels Are Custom Built To Your Specifications

For ordering information, please call:
(509) 453-9983 or 1-800-232-1174

 Blueberries grown under the Wilson
 tunnels go to the market early for better
Tunnel widths range from 15ft to 30ft
and are bent to size on your farm.
 Production in strawberries increase as
 much as 50% under tunnels. (hoop houses)
 Tunnel growers in Spain provide produce
 to the European market year-round.
 Anchors in the middle of the row vary
 in heights up to 6ft. Ropes hold
 greenhouse film firm to the metal hoops.
 Cherries under Wilson tunnels can be
 pushed to harvest weeks earlier as well
 as protect them form splitting due to rain.

 Raspberries under Wilson’s tunnels come
 on earlier, harvest for a longer duration,
 fruit finish is improved and production

Do-It-Yourself Greenhouse Kit
image of do-it-yourself greenhouse kit
You can easily install this greenhouse yourself, perfect for smaller farms and personal use.  Available in two lengths, 96 ft. and 48 ft., greenhouses can be set up any length in 6' increments. 

Starting as low as $1297.50.

Buy Greenhouse Film Here

image of a roll of greenhouse film

6 mil 4 year available in 10-50 ft. widths.


Click here for more greenhouse plastic options.



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